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"How Liberty Salve Changed My Life"


On September 23, 2017, I had a life-changing event. It happened at night on a property I had never been to.

I was walking down a steep hill toward a campfire when I had an encounter with a retaining wall. The wall stuck up about a foot above the ground. My right shin came in contact with the top of the wall. Because of the steepness of the hill, it flipped me over the wall. Having no idea how far the fall was going to be, I did my best not to land on my back. I landed on my feet! Just like a cat. I was so relieved! Short lived.

I was on the ground. Dropping to my right knee now, my left forearm and hand on the ground and right hand on the ground. My left leg, standing? It hurt! I reached for my left ankle with my right hand. Felt my bones sticking out of my leg. When my right hand touched the sticky protruding bones, gravel that had been
embedded in my palm came loose in the open wound. That was when I knew I had landed on gravel.

In a very calm voice, I said, “I just broke my leg. Someone needs to call 911.”
Later on, I found out that I had a compound break. My foot was almost severed from my body. Hanging on by some skin, muscle, and ligaments. I flatlined two times before they could repair my ankle.

I am VERY BLESSED to be alive! I broke my tibia and fibula, leaving my foot almost disconnected completely. I was non-weight bearing and had to have my foot higher than my heart for five months. Therapy followed.

I am not one who likes synthetic medicine. I found myself in pain and foot swollen even when taking pain and anti-inflammatory meds. I didn’t sleep well, or much, because of pain.

A little over a year had passed and my husband came home one night after work with a pamphlet on CBD oils made from marijuana. He wanted me to read it and think about trying it on my foot. He said it may take the pain and swelling away. All I heard was it was from the “marijuana" plant. NO way was I going to take something that could get me into trouble (so I thought).

Then a few more months went by and he came home with the Liberty CBD oil. That night, like every night before, he massaged my foot, but this time he used the CBD oil. I was like “right” this is going to work. Not. To my amazement as he was massaging my foot the swelling was going down. Within 20 minutes the swelling was almost gone.

That was the first time in over a year I was seeing blood veins on the top of my foot. My pain was so mild I didn’t have to take any pain meds that night. My husband put Liberty CBD oil on my foot every night from that night on. I also put the CBD oil into my morning routine. In a week I was having feeling back in my toes and in different parts on my foot. I wasn’t in as much pain and because of that, I was getting more sleep at night. Within a month I was getting more mobility out of my foot.

I woke up one night and got out of bed. Walked to the kitchen and then it hit me. Standing in the middle of the kitchen I didn’t use the walls, cane or limp. Not one time did I think about my foot. I just walked! I stood in my kitchen in the dark and cried.

In that month I also got on my bike with my 3-pound Yorkie in his basket and rode us in my development. I laughed saying "Look ET!" In three months time, my swelling is all out of my foot. It is only in my ankle, and that isn’t all the time. Now when I am on my feet for many hours do I have swelling. The pain…. I am so excited to say is almost gone. Think I may always have pain because of the hardware. But who knows, maybe not?

I now use Liberty gummies at night before I go to bed. It helps me sleep without sleeping pills. I did use the CBD oil on a skin tag I had gotten under my right armpit. It was getting pulled by my clothes and it hurt. For the heck of it, I put some Liberty CBD oil on it and put a band-aid over it. Went to sleep and the next morning took the band-aid off to shower and the skin tag was gone. It fell off.

Thank You, Liberty!!!!!!!

- Gayle R., Florida 

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